Whether you are looking for message service for short text message, long talk, picture with text message, two-way interaction or security verification, we will satisfy all of your needs!
Diverse message applications -
The telecommunications data mining application will select the ideal time and location; and send out the right advertising message. You only need to prepare the message contents and we will find you target customers.
A precise marketing tool -
International-level data center, encrypted message transmission, hacking penetration test and the 24-hour meticulous protection provided by our professional team are the best guarantee!
Professional cyber security protection -
The exclusive advanced management applications will provide you with even simpler, more efficient, time-saving and economical services!
Advanced management applications

Multimedia Messaging Service
The graphic advertisement with fine and rich content does not have any word limitation. Instead, other multimedia such as picture, video, title, table of contents and website can also be combined therewith to precisely convey the charm of product. It is the only choice if you are looking for a product with high CP value!
Long SMS
Long SMS is not bounded by the 70-character limit. Instead, each long SMS can send 330 characters at maximum. In case of exceeding the said maximum, the system will automatically divide the message into chunks and send them one-by-one according to the order .
Two-way Interactive SMS
No application, no rent code and no additional charge, the two-way interactive SMS service is exclusively offered to our customers. Apart from supporting synchronous delivery of messages with different themes, users can also set the auto return function to timely receive customers’ feedback. The financing industry can also prevent the risk of transaction fraud using the “Two-way Interactive SMS for Confirming the Transaction”.